Jesus Promises Rest (Matthew 11:20-30)

Jesus promises rest.  Jesus denounces several cities in Israel for their unbelief and rejecting of Jesus even after Jesus performs several miracles showing that He is God.  Jesus goes a step further and compares these cities to counterpart cities who in the history of the Bible have been seen as very wicked, pagan cities that God judged and destroyed.  Jesus compared the cities of Chorazim and Bethsaida to Tyre and Sidon.  Jesus compared the city of Capernaum to Sodom.  And Jesus declares these cities to be even worse and receiving of greater judgment.  This is a great lesson for us to repent or face judgment from God.  Then, Jesus continues to explain something that is hidden but only revealed to His true disciples who know they can not save themselves and are in need of spiritual salvation through Jesus.  And this is the spiritual rest that Jesus promises His disciples.