Rom. 3:10-18, The Gospel (Part 2)

How has man responded to the good and holy God? The bible’s answer is sin. Even though God had only done him good, man turned his back on God and distrusted and disobeyed Him. How did the first man sin against God? How does man sin against God today? How pervasive is in among mankind? These are the questions addressed in this next study of the gospel message. Praise God that He did not respond to man in kind but sent the Savior!

2 Tim. 3:14-17, The Gospel

2 Tim. 3:15 explains that Scripture is able to give wisdom unto salvation through faith in Christ. The good news (“the gospel”) of Jesus Christ is the wisdom found in Scripture which every sinner must believe in order to be saved. In this first installment on the gospel, we answer biblically the first two foundational questions regarding God. “Who created the world?” and “What is God’s character like?” This is the first of four part series on the gospel questions and answers (catechism).

1 Pet. 1:14-19, Five Motivations for Holy Living

Peter gives us a strong encouragement toward Christian holiness which is marked by separation from sin, imitation to God and permeation of this reality in every aspect of our lives. Peter points out in this passage five motivations for holy living: filiation (we are new covenant children of God who obey the Lord from a changed heart), extinction (our former life should never be brought into the present), revelation (this duty of the people of God has been written down by God in Scripture), evaluation (God evaluates our lives with objective and impartial judgment), and calculation (Christ paid the infinite price of ransom for our redemption). May the Lord help us to have the wisdom of the Word of God to daily pursue a life of holiness.

John 8:12, The Light of the World

Jesus is relentless in His purpose to save souls. He has called people to Himself before (7:37-38) and we read of no one who came to Him, but He doesn’t give up. Instead, He continues on with another invitation for sinners to follow Him. He is the light of the world who rescues men from darkness and puts His light of life to reside within them. In this sermon, we also work through the textual critical issue regarding the intervening passage (7:53-8:11), and that the Bible is reliable and that God has not allowed His truth to be lost through the manual copying of manuscripts.

John 7:40-52, Come to Christ (Part 3)

Christ’s call for all is that they come to Him. Souls apart from Christ are thirsty and dry. Their only source of spiritual refreshment is to come to Christ and to be transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit (7:38-39). While Christ had made the public call loud and clear, those in the temple did not take heed. We read of no one that they came to Christ. How tragic! In this installment, we consider the remaining four groups marked by their own reaction (or the lack thereof) to Christ’s salvation invitation. Oh how all must come to Christ.