Jesus loves His disciples (13:1). As He sees His impending arrest, trials, and crucifixion, Jesus prepares His disciples for the period of separation they will experience. Jesus will head to the cross and thereafter ascend into heaven. With a telescoping viewpoint, Jesus reveals this twofold destination to which He was going. With this mind, Jesus also prepares His disciples with His prescription for what they are to occupy themselves with while they await His return (14:3). They are to love one another. This is truly a new commandment for the new covenant people in the new church age. This stunning new commandment of Jesus is what we are to fill our lives with. May the Holy Spirit teach us to hold fast to these marching orders of our Lord and make them our greatest aim in life as we await the Savior who is coming again for us.
John 13:31-32, The Glory of the Cross
At the outset of the Lord’s farewell discourse, He prepares His disciples with a proper perspective with which they were to view His impending crucifixion. They were to see it as Jesus saw it, the means of glorifying God in His grace and in His divine oneness with the Father. Jesus Himself did not cave under the pressure of the challenges that surrounded Him, but He instead maintained His resolve and mental clarity about what His cross was all about. May the Lord open our eyes to see our Savior for the man of steel that He is and learn to trust in this most dependable Savior and Shepherd all the more.
2 Corinthians 4:7-12, Gospel Ministry is God’s Power through our Weakness
John 13:21-30, Sin, Satan, and the Sovereignty of God (Part 2)
John presents Judas’ betrayal of Jesus as a concurrence of sin, Satan, and the sovereignty of God. This provides for us a grid by which we ought to understand moral evil in our world both in history and in the present. Humans are truly capable of heinous evil, Satan is really at work to deceive and plunge men into sin and hell, and God rules over all (even sin and Satan) to produce a good that far outweighs all the evils we can possibly imagine. His sovereignty does not eliminate human responsibility, but it ensures that all will in the end work together for the good He has for His people. To Him be the glory!
Psalm 67:1-7, Let the Nations Be Glad
God has a purpose for His world and a role for His people to play. His purpose is worldwide salvation and our role is to pray and leverage all God’s given us to advance His purpose of salvation. God does not wish for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9). God has a heart for the lost and teaches His people to reflect His heart. This is a psalm that teaches us to pray down blessings from heaven for the purpose of reaching the lost. May the Lord wise us up not to squander our lives and our resources, but leverage all He’s given us to advance His glorious cause in His world.
Matthew 4:18-20; 5:14-16, From Fishing to Glory (Part 2)
True salvation brings about a real likeness to Christ that enables His disciples to shine brilliantly like Him in the dark world of sin. The Holy Spirit then uses our changed lives to draw others to repentance and reconciliation with God so that they, too, might become worshippers of God who glorify Him. May the Spirit of our God mightily use us as the brightly shining light of the world to call sinners to Christ and bless them with the joy of heaven!
Matthew 4:18-20; 5:14-16, From Fishing to Glory
Jesus called ordinary fishermen to become something beyond their wildest dreams, to become fishers of men who will lead sinners to repentance and reconciliation to God and to eternal life. In this sermon series, we examine two passages in which Jesus shows us what it means to be a witness for Him in the dark world around us. We are fishers of men and the light of the world as His followers and imitators.
Titus 2:11-14, The Gifts of God's Grace
The grace of God not only saves us out of sin (remember the lifeline?), it also instructs us to say no to the wrong things and yes to the right things (remember the pondboy?). The grace of God also gives us the anticipation of the happy and shining return of Jesus our great God and Savior (liken to a wedding day!). Finally, the grace of God prepares us to live as Jesus’ own people, doing that which is good in His sight, for His glory and honor. We get to play on Jesus’ team! How marvelous indeed is the grace of God by which we are saved!