Abraham and Sarah Doubt God (Genesis 16-18)

Abram and Sarai are growing older and still have no children. God promised to make Abram a great nation, but how can that be without any descendants? Sarai decides to take matters into her own hands, telling Abram to have a child with Hagar. Unfortunately, Abram complies, and Ishmael, his first son, is born from Hagar. About a decade later, God reaffirms His promise to Abram. He gives Abram the name “Abraham” and Sarai the name “Sarah,” declaring that they will have a child together through whom great nations and kings will come. Thinking he’s too old, Abraham doubts God and proposes that Ishmael be the son God promised. However, God insists the child will come through Sarah, and this message is reiterated when three angels visit Abraham to tell him that Sarah will give birth to Isaac within a year. This makes Sarah laugh because she thinks she’s too old to bear children, but God declares that nothing is too difficult for Him. God always keeps His promises.