The believers’ resurrection and the rapture will coincide with another eschatological event: the day of the Lord. Given the total unpredictability of these events, “the day of the Lord” in this text points to the commencement of the tribulation period. All three events converge to abruptly usher in the judgment of God upon this world and the millennial kingdom of Christ thereafter.
1 Thessalonians 4:13 - 5:11 The Anticipation of the Church
The church is to live in eager anticipation of the coming of her Lord. This is the attitude God wants for His people in this age. In this multipart series, we examine 1 Thess. 4:13-5:11 and 2 Thess. 2:1-17 to firmly grasp the next biblical prophecy for the church in God’s eschatological timeline, namely, the believers’ resurrection and the rapture.
Ephesians 2:19-22 The Biblical Church [Part 2]
The church’s supreme authority is the Lord Jesus Christ. Church leaders minister under His headship, not as arbitrary agents carrying out their own will, but as stewards carrying out the will of the owner of the house (God). And what does God want for His church? That we be prepared for Christ, as a bride beautifies herself for her groom, to be holy and blameless and full of good works.
Various - The Biblical Church
The book of Ephesians gives us a divine perspective into what is the church. The church of God is, first of all, comprised of the children of God, true believers who are beloved of God and have been transformed by God. In terms of their relationship to one another, the members see each another as fellow bricks that are growing together into a holy temple in the Lord.
Psalm 84 The True Passion of the People of God
God’s people have a profound passion to be with Him. The Psalmist in this Psalm wrote in a different time (OT), under a different covenant (Mosaic), for a different people (Israel), but his passion to be with his King and his God resonates with us today. Who would we rather be with than the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls? No one!
Psalm 121 My Helper and Guardian
Proverbs 2:1-15 Conflicts in the Church [Part 5]
Not all biblical principles are on an even plain with others. Some are higher (vs. lower) priority, and some are more general (vs. specific) than others. To navigate through the complexities of life and conflicts, we need wisdom to decipher what is the peak (high priority), what is the mountain range (general) and what are the hills immediately before us (specific). May the Lord grant us wisdom as we seek Him prayerfully and biblically!
Luke 6:27-28 Conflicts in the Church [Part 4]
“Love your enemies” is our 8th biblical mandate regarding conflicts. We are to respond to those who wrong us, not with a counterattack, but with love, with the intent to bless them and to do them good. Number 9 is “Do not let the sun go down on your anger,” where we are to deal with the cause of our anger. May the Lord help us to respond to conflicts His way.