God tells the Israelites that if they obey Him and keep His covenant, then they will be His own possession among all the peoples and a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. The Israelites must be different from the nations around them. Let’s read the Ten Commandments God gave to His people.
God’s People are Holy (Exodus 19:1–25)
God Provides for Israel (Exodus 15:22-17:7)
God Parts the Red Sea (Exodus 14:1–15:21)
Jesus Rises from the Dead (Matthew 28:1-20)
The Passover (Exodus 11:1–13:16)
God Sends Plagues on Egypt (Exodus 7:1–10:29)
God shows His power to Pharaoh, the Egyptians, Moses & Aaron, and the sons of Israel. Even now, today, we get to learn of God’s power displayed by the many plagues that God sent. God is powerful over the earth and sky, AND all those who are within it. If so, when God gives us His commands, should we be like Pharaoh or like Moses?